Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The justice department scandal continues to unfold. The USS Gonzales is going down fast and the rats are jumping ship even faster.

“One of Gonzales' fellow Texans weighed in."This nation deserves better than to have an attorney general who cannot be forthright with Congress and misleads the citizens he has been sworn to protect," said Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas. "He has a credibility issue." – AP

You don’t say? Does the nation deserve better than to have a president who cannot be forthright with Congress and misleads the citizens he has sworn to protect?

The facts that are emerging from the firings of the US attorneys is simply a microcosm of the rot that infects the entire administration.

They have systematically skirted any sort of checks and balances and rule of law since 911. Every controversy that has erupted such as the attorney firings, Plamegate, Hurricane Katrina, WMD’s, and the war itself, has been the result of repeated bungling.

The difference now is that Americans are no longer under the spell of the events of September 11. That event functioned as blinders for the American people. The people’s thirst for vengeance enabled the administration to begin going around the law, and Congress and whoever else happened to be in their way.

They came to think of this free pass from any scrutiny as an inherent right. So skirting the law became operational procedure. And we let them get away with it for far too long.

But from the outset, it was obvious to many that these people were not very bright, not particularly effective and were permeated with an arrogance which ultimately morphed into hubris.

The hubris reared it’s head early on when a forged document made it’s way into the State of the Union Address. The obvious attacks on Joe Wilson by Cheney and his goons soon followed.

The Katrina fiasco exposed the results of cronyism and ineptitude. Guantanamo and Abu Graib revealed the wanton disregard for the rule of law.

The attorney firings further illustrate the way the Bush administration has used it’s privilege as a kind spoils system that rewards loyalty over competence and integrity.

Yet it also reveals the shear stupidity that can only be the result of arrogance. Now people are no longer over looking the obvious, however.

The president belligerently proposed that Rove and other administration officials would be interviewed in secret without transcripts and without being under oath. This bellicosity practically assured that Congress would react negatively to the offer. They have now said they will subpoena people.

Gonzales first made statements that he had no knowledge of the firings when it was provable that he had attended meetings on exactly that topic. Arrogance or stupidity?

The administration released a huge document dump of four thousand pages of emails which under scrutiny showed a two week gap in time, as if no one would catch it.

They got away with it for so long that their modus operandi hasn’t changed. They still feel enabled to dictate any and all terms and that only hastens their unraveling.

This is clearly has to be one of the most feeble attempt at obfuscation an administration has every made. They are so used to not having any oversight they don’t even make an effort to cover their tracks. Now they are caught like deer in headlights stuttering and bumbling like morons.

They are exposed and finally Americans are taking off the blinders.

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