Monday, July 02, 2007

White House Advisory

Remember when the administration advised us to go out and purchase duct tape and plastic to seal off our houses in case of an anthrax attack? This warning is still on the White House website.

What to do to prepare for a chemical or biological attack

  • Assemble a disaster supply kit (see the “Emergency Planning and Disaster Supplies” chapter for more information) and be sure to include:
  • Battery-powered commercial radio with extra batteries.
  • Non-perishable food and drinking water.
  • Roll of duct tape and scissors.
  • Plastic for doors, windows and vents for the room in which you will shelter in place—this should be an internal room where you can block out air that may contain hazardous chemical or biological agents. To save critical time during an emergency, sheeting should be pre-measured and cut for each opening.
  • First aid kit.
  • Sanitation supplies including soap, water and bleach.

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