Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Kiyosaki on the state of America

Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad

"Most Americans live in la-la land. They're clueless about what's going on
in the world of money, and still think we're the richest country in the
world. In reality, we're the biggest debtor nation there is.

"Most Americans also still think our government will protect them. The
world is changing at an alarming rate, yet most people here waddle
stubbornly through the crosswalk, so to speak, still believing that this
country has the right of way and that our political institutions are still

"In the next five years, the United States and the world will go through
some of the most financially disturbing times in the history of the world.
Once again, the rich will become very, very, rich, and the unsuspecting
will be left like the passengers on the S.S. Titanic, heading straight for
an economic iceberg."

Just to add to Kiyosaki’s theme. I recently read that the United States imports 40% of it’s oil from Venezuela. Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan jeffy, is notoriously anti-American in his rhetoric and Bush anti-Chavez with his. So picture this, Hugo Chavez derives all of his clout from the rich oil reserves Venezuela sits on, otherwise he’s just another clap-trap spewing left-wing dictator.

So in essence, we, the American consumer, are propping up a dictatorial regime by buying Chavez’s oil, while the leaders of the United States pontificate about democracy, they’re not interested enough in the subject to embargo Venezuela’s oil, which would put a real crimp in the amount of power Chavez wields. And while Chavez speaks of his contempt for the U.S. incessantly, he isn’t serious enough about his own rhetoric to stop taking Yankee dollars in exchange for oil.

Not a thing any of them say, theirs or ours, is worth a plug nickel.

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